Whilst you?re here, you can help our Equity, Diversity and Inclusion efforts, and inform our areas of focus and priorities, by checking and updating your diversity details. With more complete information on our demographic make-up we?ll be able to target our efforts and measure our progress.

Please log in, click ?Personal Details?/ ?Diversity Monitoring?, check and fill in any gaps. If there?s anything you don?t want to complete, you can still help by selecting ?Prefer Not to Say?.

Click here to read a full explanation of what data we?re collecting and why, and how we keep your data confidential.

<h1><b><i>PASSWORD NOT RECOGNISED?</b></i><h1>

You can reset your password from this page. However, before clicking the "Forgotten your Password" link please ensure that all fields are blank, otherwise your reset email will not send.

The reset email will be sent to your preferred email address from the system, therefore please check both work and personal email accounts if you are not receiving the reset email

Any problems please contact hrsystems@cvsvets.com stating your employee ID for assistance